In dog we trust


The dogs that choose to keep a human , make a commitment for life , without bias and with complete loyalty . We humans , however do not always show the same towards our canine house guests .

Having read John Grogan’s book titled ” Marley and me ” and being the owner of a beautiful golden Labrador ” Max ” , I could see the similarities between the two dogs , although I’m sure many readers felt the same regardless of breed . Many would say for a dog to own you is totally wrong , but in a way they do . Each with their own personality , likes and dislikes , favourite places to lay down ( normally where they want and invariably in the way ) and a uncanny ability to communicate  their short list of wants .

We are not all animal lovers , some less than that  and some owners do not have time to show their hairy , moulting , dirty pawed  ( not to mention the embarrassing self cleaning habits ) friends the time they deserve , never the less they seem to capture an inner emotion within us . We can all watch a action film where the hero shoots the baddies and in the process getting hit themselves , its what  for some makes a good film , but , if a dog gets shot , wounded , clubbed or spat on , the whole theme of that movie takes on a new terrifying genre .

Max was put to sleep on August the 12th 2011 ,( ironically called the glorious twelfth )  after over a decade as an active member of the family , and is sorely missed , even though we are now owned by two more furniture wrecking , door scratching poop machines .


The gift of remembrance

Capture soldier

As we should all be aware , this year marks 100 years of the start of The first world war , and out of respect to the fallen , How appropriate it would be if we were all to choose an individual , and to consider their sacrifice whilst we honour them all on Remembrance Sunday this year . 

All you have to do is follow this link  or a similar one ,search a name or regiment or even a cemetery local to you , adopt a hero and wear your poppy this year in their name , using the two minute silence to reflect , whilst honouring those who lost their lives alongside each other to give us peace .

You could even do more research about your hero , place of birth , age etc., it can be anyone , soldier , seaman , airman , nurse , overseas or at home , whomever you please to choose .

So join me In this campaign to find and honour that person who gave so much to so many !

Please share this to make it a reality !

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.